Palm Sunday: John 12

Palm Sunday: John 12

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, Hosanna, He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed one, the King of Israel

John 12:12-13

Jesus was ushered into Jerusalem in what they call a triumphal entry, the crowd was excited and they were talking among themselves about Jesus, the man who raised Lazarus from the dead. The Pharisees are mad because the world is chasing after Jesus.

In all the joy and excitement, the crowd and disciples still didn’t understand, but for Jesus it was his time to prepare for his crucifixion. Jesus then proclaims his hour has come,

24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life

John 12:24-25

And then in verse 27, Jesus continues to say that his soul is troubled, but he came for this hour. Father glorify your name.

“Then a voice came from heaven “I have glorfied it and I will glorify it again.”

John 12:27

Here a crowd was already in awe that this Jesus raised a man from the dead, then a voice speaks from heaven and Jesus knowing they are confused explains to them that this voice was just for them, so they would know the judgement of the world, that the ruler of the world would be defeated, and He will be lifted up and draw all people to himself.

John 12:24 has been one of my verses to live by and now at palm Sunday is a great time to reflect on what Jesus was trying to teach the crowd. There’s a saying out there that things have to fall apart so better things can be put together. Normally I hate cliché sayings, but in context of the crucifixion, it’s all too true. Just like these seeds I’m planting now and just like Jesus’s parable about a grain of wheat dying, death is what actually brings new life. Isn’t it amazing that all of creation and life testifies and points to what a Jesus did on the cross? In the darkest moment when all those that followed Jesus thought they had lost, instead his death was the victory over the world and he set us free, he made our way back to God and was resurrected. A future and eternal hope he promised and showed us.

Paul also reminded us throughout the New Testament that we are to put to death our old self and become a new creation. That’s what we are able to do in Jesus. He was put to death so we could have life. And that, to me, is such a beautiful image. The best part to me is that here today I can plant seeds for my garden this summer. Seeds from a plant that died; and soon they will produce life and flourish and nourish us. They’ll be a whole new creation. Just like day by day I become a new creation.

So today, wherever you’re at. Just take time to remember that the darkest moments when all hope is gone. That is when Jesus was victorious. Not out of human expectations of strength and power. His kingdom was built on his sacrifice and weakness for us. Sometimes things have to die for life, Jesus had to die to bring new life, and we have to die, so that we can live in Christ.

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